Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Candidate Questions?

I'd like to enlist the help of readers in questioning our candidates for municipal offices in the city of Milledgeville.
Below I've listed all the questions I put on a questionnaire that the paper is asking all candidates to fill out and send back to us to be put in the paper, but I'd like to hear community input about issues they would like addressed as we look forward to the November 3 contest.
You can either post them in the comment section or e-mail them to me at dmcdonald@unionrecorder.com

Note on these questions: I tried to ask really open-ended questions that force the candidate to come up with a response and defend it. I felt compelled to address certain issues, but I wanted the candidates to prove that they have a vision for the community, because I think that's what we're going to need to get through hard times.

Name as you would like it to appear on the ballot and in any newspaper articles:




Office you are qualifying for (please include district number, if applicable):

Previous elected offices held, governmental appointments or positions (local and other):

Please list and describe the attributes that make you an effective public servant.

Why do you feel compelled to represent your fellow residents on the Milledgeville City Council?

What are the three biggest issues facing the City of Milledgeville?

As a member of the Milledgeville City Council, what will you do to address these three issues during the next four years?

Falling tax collections are causing many local governments to choose between cutting services and raising taxes, in what ways would you recommend city officials maintain a balanced budget?

What are the City of Milledgeville's most marketable resources, and how would you use those resources to recruit and retain new businesses and/or industry?

What is your vision for the City of Milledgeville in the 21st Century, and how will you work with community, state and federal leaders to lay the ground work for that vision in the next four years?

If you are an incumbent, what is the most important issue the Milledgeville City Council addressed in the last four years, and are you satisfied with the way Council addressed that issue, please explain?

If you are a challenger, how will you help affect progressive local governance in the City of Milledgeville?

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