Update: When contacted, Floyd Griffin said, "I have no comment on my political future."
So read from that what you will.
While doing the daily media rounds, I saw that Tondee's Tavern is jumping on the
Griffin in 2010 bandwagon.
The Tavern, a Georgia Democrats blog, puts Milledgeville's former Mayor up against Ray City's current mayor Carl Camon for the Democratic nomination for the Lt. Governor's race.
Griffin made a failed attempt at Lt. Gov back in 1998. Griffin wrote in his autobiography--which is getting pulled off my shelf more and more these days--that his campaign for statewide office, which was run off a promise to reform education, ended in defeat because of inadequate fund raising.
"My biggest problem during the campaign was the lack of funds. While my opponents racked up nearly a million dollars apiece, I was trying to run a campaign on barely $150,000. This made for a lot of traveling around the state in my own car rather than flying; I couldn't do any mass mailings or yard signs and I couldn't afford to pay any campaign workers. Also detrimental was the lack of a TV ad campaign."But the Tavern is not the only Georgia blog wondering about a Floyd Griffin Jr. comeback in 2010. Peanut Politics has this
post about getting Griffin into some state office next election cycle.
While on the link, you may notice the poll question asking you the reader what office Griffin should seek.
I guess we can expect an updated edition of "Legacy to Legend: Winners Make It Happen" in the next couple of years.